When was the last time you logged into your online ATA account? MyATA contains important information that is not available to the public. When you log in to your online ATA account, you can receive the following benefits: 1. Bargaining updates We are currently engaged in central table bargaining with the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA). It is important that all members stay up to date on the process. You can also stay up to date on bargaining and other Association events by signing up for the Member Update emails. 2. Ability to vote on provincial collective agreements Ratification of teachers’ provincial collective agreements (between the ATA and the TEBA) takes place exclusively online. 3. Vote in ATA elections Provincial Executive Council (PEC), which conducts the business of the ATA, is made up of 20 members, 18 of whom are elected by teacher members. PEC elections occur every two years and take place exclusively online. 4. Access the ATA library The ATA library offers books, periodicals, videos, databases and learning materials such as robots and other maker space items, and many educational games. Materials are available in English and French and can be mailed to you anywhere in the province or accessed online. Return postage is paid for by the ATA library. The library also does research for teachers upon request and can send articles to teachers in two to three business days. 5. Receive a no-cost ATA specialist council membership If you are an active member of the ATA, you can join one of 20 specialist councils of your choice at no cost. 6. Print your own ATA member card You must show your ATA member card to attend events, receive discounts or be eligible for other offers from various retailers and service providers. To set up your MyATA online account, follow these steps:
WORTH SHARING It is important to keep your online ATA account up to date. It allows you to access bargaining updates, vote in provincial collective agreements and provincial executive council elections, access resources from the ATA library, receive a no-cost membership to an ATA specialist council of your choice and print your own ATA membership card. To request an account or update your information, go to teachers.ab.ca and click Login. If you require assistance, please contact Membership Support by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at 1‑855‑407‑3891. #WEAREATA Comments are closed.
Updates from ATA ProvincialArchives
February 2025
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