Duty-Free Lunch language first appeared in teacher collective agreements in the 2018-20 central collective agreement and has been in effect since 2019 04 07. The language is intended to provide a rest period for teachers.
The school division must schedule a 30-minute rest period for each teacher during each five (5) hours the teacher works. When reasonable, the break should be scheduled in the middle of the teacher’s assignment. If, for some reason, an unbroken rest period of 30 minutes cannot be scheduled, a teacher must agree to two rest periods of no less than 15 minutes each. This is an individual agreement between the teacher and the school division. It is not a collective decision coming from a staff meeting or vote. This does not mean that rest periods can be shortened without written individual agreement or teachers must request that break. Further, under no circumstances can there be less than two 15-minute breaks. Alberta’s Labour Relations Code states that a collective agreement is binding on the parties named in the agreement. A school division cannot alter the provisions of the collective agreement, nor can teachers accept conditions outside the collective agreement. A school authority must schedule each teacher’s timetable to ensure the teacher has rest periods that adhere to the collective agreement. Supervision and rest periods must be scheduled by the school authority, not created through sign-up sheets completed by teachers. Further, teachers cannot opt out of time caps or waive their right to a 30-minute rest period. WORTH SHARING Duty-Free Lunch language has been in place for teachers since April 2019. Teachers are entitled to rest periods. You have a right to a 30-minute rest period. #WeAreATA Comments are closed.
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